
zuki-themes 4.0-1

Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce and more.

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = zuki-themes
pkgbase = zuki-themes
pkgdesc = Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce and more.
pkgrel = 1
pkgver = 4.0
url =
arch = any
conflicts = zukitwo-themes-git
depends = gtk2-engines-murrine
depends = gtk2-engines
license = GPL3
makedepends = ninja-build
makedepends = meson
makedepends = sassc
optdepends = ttf-roboto
source = zuki-themes-4.0.tar.gz::
sha256sums = 262be2169a82f437262b044567e135527c247406950c4806ba50d85f01ebb460
makedepends = ninja-build
makedepends = meson
makedepends = sassc
optdepends = ttf-roboto