
MPR Archives

The MPR exposes various archives that contain useful information for people wanting to integrate with the MPR.

The purpose of the archives over something like the API is to provide a more manageable format for large amounts of data that would otherwise be tedious for the MPR backend to refresh on every request.

All archives are served precompressed with Gzip, and will need to be extracted after downloading in order to properly user them.

Available archives:


A newline-separated list of package names on the MPR.


A newline-separated list of package bases on the MPR.


A newline-separated list of users on the MPR.


A JSON-formatted archive of packages on the MPR. Notably, this archive does not include any form of dependencies for listed packages.


A JSON-formated archive of packages on the MPR. In addition to the data included in /packages-meta-v1.json, these archives also include dependency listings.