A tribute to Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda (NES), read install instructions in README.pkg
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Read this if you want to run zelda-classic, on a different architecture then i386. It will run without emulation on amd64.
For other non-x86 architectures, it's possible with CPU emulation with qemu.
Activate multiarch for i386
activate it:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
For Ubuntu you'll need to change your sources in "/etc/apt/sources.list" like so:
deb [arch=amd64,i386] quantal main universe
Then update:
sudo apt update
If you want to remove multiarch
purge all i386 packages first:
sudo apt-get purge ".*:i386"
sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386
For Ubuntu remove [arch=amd64,i386] from your sources in "/etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt update
More detailed instructions
For in dept explanations and qemu emulation on non x86 architectures:
|Bug workaround|
There's a serious bug with Xorg making zelda-classic unplayable. As a workaround install the **native** package "xserver-xephyr". It will be used automatically if installed.
Xephyr is a lightweight X server that can run on top of Xorg, that will mask the bug. It's not perfect, toggling fullscreen/windowed mode will not work while the game is running. You'll have to shutdown the game first.