

Custom Launcher for Final Fantasy XIV Online (Crossplatform rewrite - RB edition)

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = xivlauncher-rb
pkgbase = xivlauncher-rb
pkgdesc = Custom Launcher for Final Fantasy XIV Online (Crossplatform rewrite - RB edition)
pkgrel = 1
pkgver =
url =
arch = amd64
conflicts = xivlauncher
conflicts = xivlauncher-git
depends = build-essential
depends = aria2
depends = libsdl2-2.0-0
depends = libsecret-1-0
depends = attr
depends = fontconfig
depends = liblcms2-2
depends = libxml2
depends = libxcursor1
depends = libxrandr2
depends = libxdamage1
depends = libxio0
depends = gettext
depends = libfreetype6
depends = libglu1-mesa
depends = libsm6
depends = libpcap0.8
depends = libfaudio0
depends = desktop-file-utils
depends = libjxr0
depends = xdg-utils
license = GPL
optdepends = steam
options = !strip
provides = xivlauncher=
source = XIVLauncher.Core::git+
source = XIVLauncher.desktop
source = xivlauncher-core
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = c06130b67efff8aa53760cb9c8bd764d4307624ec42c52d58cce388863e64788821f6f836857f200452e75de3b5311466074c70b81ad6d70ab60b286ddfda2e8
sha512sums = 1b4584216828fac294d9955924a89bba716bcb6f1ec582e50f3169e1501eb3d637cb89f921d887d8aba20eb4a4166915e9812aad634bcfd10ab97324164aaec5
makedepends_x86_64 = dotnet-sdk-8.0
optdepends = steam
makedepends_x86_64 = dotnet-sdk-8.0