
wipeout-git 0.r68.90702ce-1

Futuristic anti-gravity racing game. A re-implementation of the 1995 game wipEout.

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = wipeout-git
pkgbase = wipeout-git
pkgdesc = Futuristic anti-gravity racing game. A re-implementation of the 1995 game wipEout.
pkgrel = 1
pkgver = 0.r68.90702ce
url =
arch = amd64
conflicts = wipeout
depends = libsdl2-2.0-0
depends = libglew2.2
license = abandonware
makedepends = git
makedepends = libsdl2-dev
makedepends = libglew-dev
options = !strip
provides = wipeout
source = git+
source =
source = wipeout.png::
b2sums = SKIP
b2sums = 072987a4b532ba4a00e78d721719035bc763774f6b0f2c3de003b6597436618c6b8757f6ca8417d5db21720abfa0f49c13527963fd9cf797691cde419cd61ea7
b2sums = ae98c5d030abe7299eece616f645583f91a5c906c009c747c3d93c584edc081f0478f449a59e1395e889b7057f4e3b56e326abb9a932eab8dd1ac66dc4c90b5b
makedepends = git
makedepends = libsdl2-dev
makedepends = libglew-dev