
webext-localcdn-firefox 2.6.73-0

Emulates remote frameworks and delivers them as local resource, extension for Firefox.

Viewing /.SRCINFO.

View raw.

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = webext-localcdn-firefox
pkgbase = webext-localcdn-firefox
pkgdesc = Emulates remote frameworks and delivers them as local resource, extension for Firefox.
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 2.6.73
url =
arch = all
license = MPL2
noextract = localcdn_fork_of_decentraleyes-2.6.73.xpi
optdepends = firefox
optdepends = firefox-esr
options = !strip
source =
b2sums = 3fcb1f3d5576ef68ef5e2c0bb88bb8ee31f2390d3191c39282d35b3b4c3892e52d93f6dda2a5e889b84647e3ed6b931931e58a0efb3b0ca4cac181a756d06a57
optdepends = firefox
optdepends = firefox-esr
optmakedepends = unzip: to uncompress the webextention
optmakedepends = unzip: to uncompress the webextention