
vim-gtk3-git 8.2.4586-1

Vim the editor. CLI version and GTK2 GUI providing majority of features.

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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg

pkgbase = vim-gtk3-git
	pkgdesc = Vim the editor. CLI version and GTK2 GUI providing majority of features.
	pkgver = 8.2.4586
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = i686
	arch = x86_64
	license = custom:vim
	makedepends = libxt-dev
	makedepends = libgtk-3-dev
	makedepends = liblua5.4-dev
	makedepends = libperl-dev
	makedepends = ruby-dev
	makedepends = libpython3-dev
	depends = git
	depends = lua5.4
	depends = make
	depends = clang
	depends = ruby
	depends = python2
	depends = python3
	depends = libtool-bin
	depends = vim-runtime-git
	optdepends = exuberant-ctags
	optdepends = universal-ctags
	provides = vim
	provides = vim-gtk
	provides = vim-gtk3
	provides = xxd
	conflicts = vim-minimal
	conflicts = vim-minimal-git
	conflicts = vim
	conflicts = vim-git
	conflicts = vim-gtk3
	conflicts = vim-gtk3-python3
	conflicts = vim-gui-common
	conflicts = vim-common
	conflicts = xxd
	source = git+
	sha256sums = SKIP

pkgname = vim-gtk3-git