
tutanota-desktop-bin 227.240429.0-0

Official Tutanota email client

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = tutanota-desktop-bin
pkgbase = tutanota-desktop-bin
pkgdesc = Official Tutanota email client
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 227.240429.0
url =
arch = amd64
conflicts = tutanota-desktop
depends = libasound2
depends = libgtk-3-0
depends = libsecret-1-0
depends = libnss3
license = GPL3
makedepends = openssl
makedepends = wget
provides = tutanota-desktop
source = linux-sig-227.240429.0.bin::
source = tutao-pub-227.240429.0.pem::
sha256sums = a76cca25f6cc93522c9a2d353d0579aed99c3fa1c93dcb7e2880540d89b8646b
sha256sums = 837890c39de1c52f297b44b50194869754fb4d1327112cdafd14bdc0c3db27fd
makedepends = openssl
makedepends = wget