
rustc 1.78.0-1

The Rust programming language toolchain

Viewing /config.toml.

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changelog-seen = 2

# This makes builds quicker, which is beneficial for the already long Rust
# builds.
# Disable this if you want to build LLVM for whatever reason.
download-ci-llvm = "if-available"

extended = true
tools = ["cargo", "rls", "clippy", "rustfmt", "analysis", "src", "rust-demangler"]
sanitizers = false
profiler = true
vendor = false

prefix = "/usr"

debuginfo-level = 2
debuginfo-level-std = 2
channel = "stable"
description = "makedeb Package Repository"
rpath = false
verbose-tests = true
dist-src = false
deny-warnings = false
backtrace-on-ice = true
remap-debuginfo = true
jemalloc = false
