Python library to read characters and key strokes
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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = python3-readchar
pkgbase = python3-readchar
pkgdesc = Python library to read characters and key strokes
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 4.2.1
url =
arch = all
depends = python3
license = custom:MIT
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
makedepends = python3-setuptools
source = python3-readchar-4.2.1.tar.gz::
b2sums = 5ba452b11e11bca431b3db5245ae640e318275bc58de7f837d0e6167e5c7d102eac2b91641d7f4fea6da3a3b6bedb7c0b984d80d752286285b5316d7f8d499c6
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
makedepends = python3-setuptools