
python3-pytubefix 8.12.2-0

Lightweight, Python library and cli for downloading YouTube videos, fork of pytube.

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = python3-pytubefix
pkgbase = python3-pytubefix
pkgdesc = Lightweight, Python library and cli for downloading YouTube videos, fork of pytube.
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 8.12.2
arch = all
depends = python3
license = MIT
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
source = python3-pytubefix-8.12.2.tar.gz::
b2sums = 8b3a8eb20facfd73a9a13599cd37ba1046425b94f07a8e774682cc1c4b73b764e2d4a605b3be2bc4385551bd451c88c4b33c1f98ad3fa089003734dfd42f7203
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel