Porn lib for mov-cli, for watching porn via the terminal.
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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = python3-porn-cli
pkgbase = python3-porn-cli
pkgdesc = Porn lib for mov-cli, for watching porn via the terminal.
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 1.0.6
url =
arch = all
conflicts = porn-cli
conflicts = porn-cli-git
depends = python3
license = GPL3
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
optdepends = mov-cli>=1.4.6
source = python3-porn-cli-1.0.6.tar.gz::
b2sums = a536084c9ce40b6b6cbbaac8f7d6ab09167277d3cb9e5d196f4f5830bbddfd4aa2afcf880179674fa6e470122a5ea16f7142722e1e614f39ca4b538217db3052
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
optdepends = mov-cli>=1.4.6