
python3-huggingface-hub 0.24.2-0

All the open source things related to the Hugging Face Hub

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = python3-huggingface-hub
pkgbase = python3-huggingface-hub
pkgdesc = All the open source things related to the Hugging Face Hub
pkgrel = 0
pkgver = 0.24.2
url =
arch = all
depends = python3-filelock
depends = python3-requests
depends = python3-tqdm
depends = python3-yaml
depends = python3-typing-extensions
depends = python3-packaging
license = Apache2
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
makedepends = python3-setuptools
optdepends = python3-pytorch
optdepends = python3-tensorflow
source = huggingface_hub-0.24.2.tar.gz::
b2sums = d01c6c627c822115101f93a9c5eb1bd693e07b9be09e30ca18d48878b8aed5750cee5debbb5c04cbe159b75ed558e2069851a9cd88a99b6b19ea0bd7c57f25cf
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
makedepends = python3-setuptools
optdepends = python3-pytorch
optdepends = python3-tensorflow