Desktop application for Mail and Calendar, made with Electron
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pkgbase = proton-mail-bin
pkgdesc = Desktop application for Mail and Calendar, made with Electron
pkgver = 1.0.6
pkgrel = 2
url =
arch = amd64
license = GPL-3.0-or-later
provides = proton-mail
conflicts = proton-mail
conflicts = proton-mail-deb
noextract = proton-mail-bin_1.0.6-2_amd64.deb
source = proton-mail-bin_1.0.6-2_amd64.deb::
b2sums = b58f7d8ca9286990000c831d74bb8867498f6d6b49cf6df763fd13ae9b1cd07420a61a81d498ef2ab35b5f11b075084479c90809d5eb9f09b16e810ed64b68bf
pkgname = proton-mail-bin