
proton-ge-custom-bin 8.3-1

A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches

Click here to go back to the commit logs for proton-ge-custom-bin.


Hash: fd4e2671218861bd2993b9a05ba38ce7bf11867d

Message: Updated dependencies on par with up-to-date AUR


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index ebbd3eb..a5cdad1 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -13,8 +13,21 @@ pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	license = MIT
 	license = MPL
 	license = custom
+	makedepends = patch
 	depends = python3
 	depends = libvulkan1
+	depends = flac
+	depends = speex
+	depends = libgstreamer1.0-0
+	depends = jackd1
+	depends = libgudev-1.0-0
+	depends = mpg123
+	depends = libtheora0
+	depends = ffmpeg
+	depends = libsdl2-2.0-0
+	depends = libopenal1
+	depends = va-driver-all
+	depends = libturbojpeg
 	optdepends = kdialog: KDE splash dialog support
 	optdepends = zenity: GNOME splash dialog support
 	optdepends = steam: use proton with steam like intended
@@ -22,6 +35,7 @@ pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	optdepends = winetricks: protonfixes backend - highly recommended
 	optdepends = wine: support for 32bit prefixes
 	optdepends = xboxdrv: gamepad driver service
+	optdepends = libusb-1.0: wine usb support
 	provides = proton
 	provides = proton-ge-custom=7.3
 	conflicts = proton-ge-custom-stable-bin
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 4031001..e123464 100644
@@ -13,8 +13,23 @@ license=('BSD' 'LGPL' 'zlib' 'MIT' 'MPL' 'custom')
 provides=('proton' "proton-ge-custom=${pkgver/_/.}")
 conflicts=('proton-ge-custom-stable-bin' 'proton-ge-custom')
+## dependencies
-         'libvulkan1')
+         'libvulkan1'
+         'flac'
+         'speex'
+         'libgstreamer1.0-0'
+         'jackd1'
+         'libgudev-1.0-0'
+         'mpg123'
+         'libtheora0'
+         'ffmpeg'
+         'libsdl2-2.0-0'
+         'libopenal1'
+         'va-driver-all'
+         'libturbojpeg')
 optdepends=('kdialog: KDE splash dialog support'
             'zenity: GNOME splash dialog support'
             'steam: use proton with steam like intended'
@@ -22,6 +37,7 @@ optdepends=('kdialog: KDE splash dialog support'
             'winetricks: protonfixes backend - highly recommended'
             'wine: support for 32bit prefixes'
             'xboxdrv: gamepad driver service'
+            'libusb-1.0: wine usb support'
 ## makepkg options
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 2e52541..aca9ee3 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 ## Proton-7.3-GE-1 Released
 ### WINE:
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ Wine:
     protonfix added for Progressbar95 (thanks Benibla124)
-    protonfix Resident Evil 5 videos disabled as workaround to allow game to be playable (thanks manuelilesiasgarcia)
+    protonfix Resident Evil 5 videos disabled as workaround to allow game to be playable (thanks manueliglesiasgarcia)
     protonfixes klite verb updated version (used for persona 4 golden)
     protonfix added to enable game drive option for Elder Scrolls Online installer. (Note -- the installer works but you have to press space at the black screen, updater and game works perfectly fine after that)
@@ -1214,4 +1215,4 @@ Edit:
 -fixed an issue with proton not using d3d9 override (whoopsie)
 Disabled the following for now, has an issue that causes windows to open and immediately close:
--proton compatibility for staging patchset winex11.drv-mouse-coorrds (fixes which affects origin)g
+-proton compatibility for staging patchset winex11.drv-mouse-coorrds (fixes which affects origin)
diff --git a/supplementary.tar.zst b/supplementary.tar.zst
index d8594db..05bfd12 100644
Binary files a/supplementary.tar.zst and b/supplementary.tar.zst differ