
proton-ge-custom-bin 8.3-1

A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches

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Hash: b45a6d086ab337332cd0d45efaf61dd3bd5b121f

Message: Updated Proton-GE to 6.20-GE-1


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 942e67b..7011099 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
 pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	pkgdesc = A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches
-	pkgver = 6.19
-	pkgrel = 2
+	pkgver = 6.20
+	pkgrel = 1
 	url =
 	changelog = changelog
 	arch = x86_64
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	optdepends = wine: support for 32bit prefixes
 	optdepends = xboxdrv: gamepad driver service
 	provides = proton
-	provides = proton-ge-custom=6.19
+	provides = proton-ge-custom=6.20
 	conflicts = proton-ge-custom-stable-bin
 	conflicts = proton-ge-custom
 	options = !strip
 	backup = usr/share/steam/compatibilitytools.d/proton-ge-custom/
-	source = proton-ge-custom-6.19-GE-2_2.tar.gz::
+	source = proton-ge-custom-6.20-GE-1_1.tar.gz::
 	source = supplementary.tar.zst
-	sha512sums = 2ce0d547000b880474bd1687879689e1f4542b324dad3055391f490382b4efc1a93fac68ddd86309f5835f19913b392eabe0a138f56c42d7311e1adcc1d4642f
+	sha512sums = 4700277ba1ba5e4c377e6bc01a64d101bb2d265067a897477b4355dc59aad26b8bdb9ea3136db3611af2dce3853eb2f1489a3356786ef0bb9377cb547227d72e
 	sha512sums = 9925a9972a9bed9b9e71c2aa169db03eeb72307336c3ed004434397deb379b55eb13b249ca9c0b28f48dd5ea728a1ad32685b84e2dcab881ba428c2acb7bc58d
 pkgname = proton-ge-custom-bin