
proton-ge-custom-bin 8.3-1

A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches

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Hash: 439084f708b6e9443bba90eaf5d54047889c3d18

Message: Properly updated the .SRCINFO this time


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index f4b86b3..a87d764 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
 pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	pkgdesc = A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches
-	pkgver = 7.9
+	pkgver = 7.10
 	pkgrel = 1
 	url =
 	changelog =
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-bin
 	optdepends = wine: support for 32bit prefixes
 	optdepends = xboxdrv: gamepad driver service
 	provides = proton
-	provides = proton-ge-custom=7.9
+	provides = proton-ge-custom=7.10
 	conflicts = proton-ge-custom-stable-bin
 	conflicts = proton-ge-custom
 	options = !strip
-	backup = usr/share/steam/compatibilitytools.d/proton-ge-custom/
-	source = proton-ge-custom-7_9.tar.gz::
+	options = emptydirs
+	backup = /usr/share/steam/compatibilitytools.d/proton-ge-custom/
+	source = proton-ge-custom-7_10.tar.gz::
 	source = supplementary.tar.zst
-	sha512sums = f9a1a9f79ead06c6af87435ddb0b68e8ff06a9e1a94abfcdfc09186107c7743d814e89814dac48d96f31f7ce9db3d1be2491df6bda25b33affc5eef50ed8afbb
+	sha512sums = 1d105a3df5c3fca115f390232dbed0a8f8180fba50027437ab59640277628d0831b3d5c598a585bc1df4ed127638163e3520524553e51650128b70e1b4e1bb3d
 	sha512sums = a484c4cd2003057cf0cbbd32ca5d0106e97c75434e7bef34b35be8239ad98a482358852e41e85abedf5b24ac4d0375c8fffc7deee81a9b08c7799a398f23773b
 pkgname = proton-ge-custom-bin