
prismlauncher-git 9.0.r1.403c4ba-1

Minecraft launcher with ability to manage multiple instances.

Click here to go back to the commit logs for prismlauncher-git.


Hash: c37788f8a48d66065b5ea09bdaa3f0c2e2e7e79b

Message: fix to accomadate makedeb now using shallow clones Signed-off-by: lordpipe <>


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 26ba6df..7f503be 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,35 +1,50 @@
-generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
-pkgbase = prismlauncher-git
-	pkgdesc = Minecraft launcher with ability to manage multiple instances.
-	pkgver = 5.0.r0.g41032aa
-	pkgrel = 2
-	url =
-	arch = i686
-	arch = amd64
-	license = GPL3
-	makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
-	makedepends = g++
-	makedepends = gcc
-	makedepends = cmake
-	makedepends = git
-	makedepends = openjdk-17-jdk
-	makedepends = zlib1g-dev
-	makedepends = libgl1-mesa-dev
-	makedepends = qtbase5-dev
-	makedepends = qtchooser
-	makedepends = qt5-qmake
-	makedepends = qtbase5-dev-tools
-	depends = libqt5xml5
-	depends = libqt5core5a
-	depends = libqt5network5
-	depends = libqt5gui5
-	optdepends = java-runtime=8: support for Minecraft versions < 1.17
-	optdepends = java-runtime=17: support for Minecraft versions >= 1.17
-	provides = prismlauncher
-	conflicts = prismlauncher
-	conflicts = polymc
-	source = git+
-	sha256sums = SKIP
+generated-by = makedeb
 pkgname = prismlauncher-git
+pkgbase = prismlauncher-git
+pkgdesc = Minecraft launcher with ability to manage multiple instances.
+pkgrel = 1
+pkgver = 8.0.r1.f1ebec6
+url =
+arch = i686
+arch = amd64
+conflicts = prismlauncher
+depends = libqt5svg5
+depends = qt5-image-formats-plugins
+depends = libqt5xml5
+depends = libqt5core5a
+depends = libqt5network5
+depends = libqt5gui5
+license = GPL3
+makedepends = scdoc
+makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
+makedepends = cmake
+makedepends = git
+makedepends = openjdk-17-jdk
+makedepends = zlib1g-dev
+makedepends = libgl1-mesa-dev
+makedepends = qtbase5-dev
+makedepends = qtchooser
+makedepends = qt5-qmake
+makedepends = qtbase5-dev-tools
+makedepends = gcc
+makedepends = g++
+optdepends = java-runtime=8: support for Minecraft versions < 1.17
+optdepends = java-runtime=17: support for Minecraft versions >= 1.17
+provides = prismlauncher
+source = git+
+sha256sums = SKIP
+makedepends = scdoc
+makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
+makedepends = cmake
+makedepends = git
+makedepends = openjdk-17-jdk
+makedepends = zlib1g-dev
+makedepends = libgl1-mesa-dev
+makedepends = qtbase5-dev
+makedepends = qtchooser
+makedepends = qt5-qmake
+makedepends = qtbase5-dev-tools
+makedepends = gcc
+makedepends = g++
+optdepends = java-runtime=8: support for Minecraft versions < 1.17
+optdepends = java-runtime=17: support for Minecraft versions >= 1.17
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 40329ed..2395161 100644
@@ -3,64 +3,53 @@
 pkgdesc="Minecraft launcher with ability to manage multiple instances."
 arch=('i686' 'amd64')
-depends=('libqt5xml5' 'libqt5core5a' 'libqt5network5' 'libqt5gui5')
+depends=('libqt5svg5' 'qt5-image-formats-plugins' 'libqt5xml5' 'libqt5core5a' 'libqt5network5' 'libqt5gui5')
-conflicts=('prismlauncher' 'polymc')
-makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'g++' 'gcc' 'cmake' 'git' 'openjdk-17-jdk' 'zlib1g-dev' 'libgl1-mesa-dev' 'qtbase5-dev' 'qtchooser' 'qt5-qmake' 'qtbase5-dev-tools')
+makedepends=('scdoc' 'extra-cmake-modules' 'cmake' 'git' 'openjdk-17-jdk' 'zlib1g-dev' 'libgl1-mesa-dev' 'qtbase5-dev' 'qtchooser' 'qt5-qmake' 'qtbase5-dev-tools' 'gcc' 'g++')
 optdepends=('java-runtime=8: support for Minecraft versions < 1.17'
             'java-runtime=17: support for Minecraft versions >= 1.17')
-        #"git+"
-        #"git+"
-        #"git+"
-        #"git+")
-            #'SKIP'
-            #'SKIP'
-            #'SKIP'
-            #'SKIP')
 pkgver() {
   cd "PrismLauncher"
-  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+  printf "%s.%s.r%s.%s" "$(grep -m 1 -oP 'Launcher_VERSION_MAJOR +\K\d+' CMakeLists.txt)" \
+    "$(grep -m 1 -oP 'Launcher_VERSION_MINOR +\K\d+' CMakeLists.txt)" \
+    "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
 prepare() {
   cd "PrismLauncher"
   git submodule init
-  # This trick is broken with recent Git version because of a CVE
-  #git config submodule.libraries/libnbtplusplus.url "${srcdir}/libnbtplusplus"
-  #git config submodule.libraries/quazip.url "${srcdir}/quazip"
-  #git config submodule.libraries/tomlplusplus.url "${srcdir}/tomlplusplus"
-  #git config submodule.libraries/filesystem.url "${srcdir}/filesystem"
   git submodule update
 build() {
-  cd "PrismLauncher"
-  mkdir -p build
-  cd build
+  cd "${srcdir}/PrismLauncher"
   cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None \
     -DLauncher_BUILD_PLATFORM="debian" \
-    -DLauncher_APP_BINARY_NAME="${_pkgname}" \
+    -DLauncher_APP_BINARY_NAME="${pkgname}" \
     -DLauncher_QT_VERSION_MAJOR=5 \
-    ..
-  cmake --build .
+    -Bbuild -S.
+  cmake --build build
+check() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/PrismLauncher/build"
+  ctest . -E Task  # Skip unreliable Task test
 package() {
-  cd "PrismLauncher/build"
+  cd "${srcdir}/PrismLauncher/build"
   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install .