
postman-bin 9.22.2-1

Build, test, and document your APIs faster

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = postman-bin
pkgbase = postman-bin
pkgdesc = Build, test, and document your APIs faster
pkgrel = 1
pkgver = 9.22.2
url =
arch = x86_64
conflicts = postman
depends = libxss1
depends = libnss3
depends = libgtk-3-dev
license = custom
options = !strip
provides = postman
source = Postman-linux-x64-9.22.2.tar.gz::
source = postman.desktop
sha512sums = e88ffa54cd60a9db147dede4916a09719af5d169eecbbcec3af807ecf56c9f5d9acdac2f95a1c804293f8c8c335edaf734e601eb57d6ca0c45371236a54c144e
sha512sums = f43fb133256f2dfbb9fc35644e92ad2b4acd672fbc4a25e850ebfcee6a9f385e07d3285c3969f6c92351be3a5f90534cae5156dbe6f05346912467854666e39b