
pirate-get 0.4.2-7

A command line interface for the Pirate Bay

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = pirate-get
pkgbase = pirate-get
pkgdesc = A command line interface for the Pirate Bay
pkgrel = 7
pkgver = 0.4.2
url =
arch = all
depends = python3-veryprettytable
depends = python3-bs4
depends = python3-termcolor
depends = python3-colorama
depends = python3-pyperclip
license = AGPL
makedepends = python3-setuptools
source = pirate-get-0.4.2.tar.gz::
b2sums = 191f8ea3e8f2df94163372a4b2225345b4bded1cfa1a6886db1657e509b23f0ddcc328a3c23c4c9e47c2ba21388a20b5e275935a5c7cdff6d5abc063a29c9325
makedepends = python3-setuptools