
pipe-viewer 0.5.4-0

A lightweight YouTube client for Linux (CLI/GTK) (fork of straw-viewer)

Click here to go back to the commit logs for pipe-viewer.


Hash: b8707d72dccf5db522479d61c45d42724e30a6c7

Message: Initial mpr release


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 39a3a97..8d4b43d 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,30 +1,50 @@
-pkgbase = pipe-viewer-git
-	pkgdesc = A lightweight YouTube client for Linux (CLI/GTK) (fork of straw-viewer)
-	pkgver = 0.2.2.r0.g0037332
-	pkgrel = 1
-	url =
-	arch = any
-	license = Artistic2.0
-	makedepends = git
-	makedepends = perl-module-build
-	depends = perl
-	depends = perl-data-dump
-	depends = perl-json
-	depends = perl-lwp-protocol-https
-	depends = perl-gtk3
-	depends = perl-libwww
-	depends = perl-file-sharedir
-	depends = perl-unicode-linebreak
-	optdepends = ffmpeg: conversions and MKV merging
-	optdepends = gnome-icon-theme: icons in menus
-	optdepends = perl-json-xs: faster JSON parsing
-	optdepends = perl-lwp-useragent-cached: local cache support
-	optdepends = perl-term-readline-gnu: better STDIN support
-	optdepends = mpv: play videos with MPV (recommended)
-	optdepends = vlc: play videos with VLC
-	optdepends = wget: download videos with wget
-	optdepends = youtube-dl: play videos with encrypted signatures
-	source = git+
-	sha512sums = SKIP
+generated-by = makedeb
 pkgname = pipe-viewer-git
+pkgbase = pipe-viewer-git
+pkgdesc = A lightweight YouTube client for Linux (CLI/GTK) (fork of straw-viewer)
+pkgrel = 0
+pkgver = 0.2.3.r0.g64f14fc
+url =
+arch = all
+conflicts = pipe-viewer
+conflicts = gtk-pipe-viewer
+depends = perl
+depends = libdata-dump-perl
+depends = libjson-perl
+depends = liblwp-protocol-https-perl
+depends = libgtk3-perl
+depends = libwww-perl
+depends = libfile-sharedir-perl
+depends = libunicode-linebreak-perl
+license = Artistic2.0
+makedepends = git
+makedepends = libmodule-build-perl
+optdepends = ffmpeg: conversions and MKV merging
+optdepends = gnome-icon-theme: icons in menus
+optdepends = libjson-xs-perl: faster JSON parsing
+optdepends = liblwp-useragent-cached-perl: local cache support
+optdepends = libterm-readline-gnu-perl: better STDIN support
+optdepends = libtext-charwidth-perl: get widths of characters
+optdepends = mpv: play videos with MPV (recommended)
+optdepends = vlc: play videos with VLC
+optdepends = wget: download videos with wget
+optdepends = youtube-dl: play videos with encrypted signatures
+optdepends = yt-dlp: play videos with encrypted signatures
+optdepends = webp-pixbuf-loader: load webp images
+provides = gtk-pipe-viewer-git
+source = git+
+sha512sums = SKIP
+makedepends = git
+makedepends = libmodule-build-perl
+optdepends = ffmpeg: conversions and MKV merging
+optdepends = gnome-icon-theme: icons in menus
+optdepends = libjson-xs-perl: faster JSON parsing
+optdepends = liblwp-useragent-cached-perl: local cache support
+optdepends = libterm-readline-gnu-perl: better STDIN support
+optdepends = libtext-charwidth-perl: get widths of characters
+optdepends = mpv: play videos with MPV (recommended)
+optdepends = vlc: play videos with VLC
+optdepends = wget: download videos with wget
+optdepends = youtube-dl: play videos with encrypted signatures
+optdepends = yt-dlp: play videos with encrypted signatures
+optdepends = webp-pixbuf-loader: load webp images
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd8e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 0dbb896..53fbcf5 100644
@@ -1,58 +1,66 @@
-# Maintainer: Trizen <echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d>
+# Maintainer: exponential <echo ZXhwb25lbnRpYWxtYXRyaXhAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20K | base64 -d>
+# Contributor: Trizen (AUR) <echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d>
 pkgdesc="A lightweight YouTube client for Linux (CLI/GTK) (fork of straw-viewer)"
-makedepends=('git' 'perl-module-build')
-depends=('perl' 'perl-data-dump' 'perl-json' 'perl-lwp-protocol-https' 'perl-gtk3' 'perl-libwww' 'perl-file-sharedir' 'perl-unicode-linebreak')
+makedepends=('git' 'libmodule-build-perl')
+conflicts=('pipe-viewer' 'gtk-pipe-viewer')
+depends=('perl' 'libdata-dump-perl' 'libjson-perl' 'liblwp-protocol-https-perl' 'libgtk3-perl' 'libwww-perl' 'libfile-sharedir-perl' 'libunicode-linebreak-perl')
     'ffmpeg: conversions and MKV merging'
     'gnome-icon-theme: icons in menus'
-    'perl-json-xs: faster JSON parsing'
-    'perl-lwp-useragent-cached: local cache support'
-    'perl-term-readline-gnu: better STDIN support'
+    'libjson-xs-perl: faster JSON parsing'
+    'liblwp-useragent-cached-perl: local cache support'
+    'libterm-readline-gnu-perl: better STDIN support'
+    'libtext-charwidth-perl: get widths of characters'
     'mpv: play videos with MPV (recommended)'
     'vlc: play videos with VLC'
     'wget: download videos with wget'
     'youtube-dl: play videos with encrypted signatures'
+    'yt-dlp: play videos with encrypted signatures'
+    'webp-pixbuf-loader: load webp images'
 pkgver() {
-  cd "$_pkgname"
-  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+   cd "$_pkgname"
+   git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
 build() {
     cd "$_pkgname"
-    /usr/bin/perl Build.PL --gtk3
+    perl Build.PL --gtk3
     cd "$_pkgname"
-    ./Build test
+    perl Build test
 package() {
     cd "$_pkgname"
-    ./Build install --destdir "$pkgdir" --installdirs vendor --install_path script=/usr/bin
+    perl Build install --destdir "$pkgdir" --installdirs vendor --install_path script=/usr/bin
     rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/lib"
-    mkdir "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
-    mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/WWW-PipeViewer/gtk-pipe-viewer.desktop \
+    install -m644 -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}
+    mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/perl5/auto/share/dist/WWW-PipeViewer/gtk-pipe-viewer.desktop \
-    cp "$pkgdir"/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/WWW-PipeViewer/icons/gtk-pipe-viewer.png \
+    install -Dm644 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/perl5/auto/share/dist/WWW-PipeViewer/icons/gtk-pipe-viewer.png \
+    install -m644 -d "usr/share/doc/$_pkgname"
+    install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$_pkgname/license"
+    install -Dm644 "" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$_pkgname/readme"
+    install -Dm644 "Changes" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$_pkgname/changelog"
+    gzip "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$_pkgname/changelog"