
pastel-bin 0.8.1-1

A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors

Viewing /.SRCINFO.

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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg

pkgbase = pastel-bin
	pkgdesc = A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors
	pkgver = 0.8.1
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = MIT
	makedepends = curl
	makedepends = jq
	provides = pastel
	provides = pastel-bin
	conflicts = pastel
	conflicts = pastel-git
	conflicts = pastel-bin
	options = !strip
	source_x86_64 = pastel-bin-0.8.1.tar.gz::
	sha512sums_x86_64 = ef8a9e358efd017e356a6b35ca45a39557f3d7353a63c00f9a7e6833dc49eb0c2325cd62f42589f9f427934b44302427d0824f4347140de0bdf6df1d084c99e9

pkgname = pastel-bin