Python script for watching movies and TV shows via the terminal.
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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = mov-cli-git
pkgbase = mov-cli-git
pkgdesc = Python script for watching movies and TV shows via the terminal.
pkgrel = 1
pkgver = 4.4.5.r429.e70bdfc
url =
arch = all
conflicts = mov-cli
depends = python3-httpx
depends = python3-toml
depends = python3-devgoldyutils
depends = python3-typer
depends = python3-inquirer
depends = python3-bs4
depends = python3-unidecode
depends = python3-deprecation
depends = python3-thefuzz
depends = python3-decouple
depends = mpv
license = MIT
makedepends = git
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
optdepends = fzf
optdepends = python3-lxml: faster scraping
optdepends = python3-cssselect: debian bug, required for python3-lxml
optdepends = python3-levenshtein: faster SequenceMatcher
optdepends = vlc: alternate media player
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-otaku-watcher: mov-cli v4 plugin for anime
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-film-central: mov-cli v4 plugin for films and shows
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-youtube: mov-cli v4 plugin for youtube
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-test: mov-cli v4 plugin for free films and animations in the CC
provides = mov-cli
source = git+
b2sums = SKIP
makedepends = git
makedepends = python3-build
makedepends = python3-installer
makedepends = python3-wheel
optdepends = fzf
optdepends = python3-lxml: faster scraping
optdepends = python3-cssselect: debian bug, required for python3-lxml
optdepends = python3-levenshtein: faster SequenceMatcher
optdepends = vlc: alternate media player
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-otaku-watcher: mov-cli v4 plugin for anime
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-film-central: mov-cli v4 plugin for films and shows
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-youtube: mov-cli v4 plugin for youtube
optdepends = python3-mov-cli-test: mov-cli v4 plugin for free films and animations in the CC