
fztea-bin 0.6.4-2

🐬🧋 Remote control your Flipper from the local terminal or over SSH

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pkgbase = fztea-bin
	pkgdesc = 🐬🧋 Remote control your Flipper from the local terminal or over SSH
	pkgver = 0.6.4
	pkgrel = 2
	url =
	arch = amd64
	arch = arm64
	license = MIT
	provides = fztea
	conflicts = fztea
	conflicts = fztea-deb
	noextract = fztea-bin_0.6.4-2_amd64.deb
	source_amd64 = fztea-bin_0.6.4-2_amd64.deb::
	sha256sums_amd64 = 2ed34826c8e60981886a7e69cc27165fe22ca28abc64397a9c4aaf6482b75e53
	source_arm64 = fztea-bin_0.6.4-2_amd64.deb::
	sha256sums_arm64 = f7ced41e85a001ac019a35d1c501afe115e4918a55a5ea301cfcca3e2d3354ab

pkgname = fztea-bin