A new mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.
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groupadd -f flutterusers
chgrp -R flutterusers /opt/flutter
chmod -R g+w /opt/flutter
tput setaf 0 2>/dev/null
if [[ "$?" == "0" ]]; then
tput sgr0
printf "$(tput setaf 4)Flutter was installed on $(tput setaf 2)/opt/flutter$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)In case you encounter problems using Flutter as regular user, add your user into the group flutterusers:$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 2)gpasswd -a \${USER} flutterusers$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)Re-login your terminal in to the group flutterusers:$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 2)newgrp flutterusers$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 4)Run the following command to see if there are any dependencies you need to install to complete the setup (for verbose output, add the -v flag):$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "$(tput setaf 2)flutter doctor$(tput sgr0)\n"
printf "Flutter was installed on /opt/flutter\n"
printf "\n"
printf "In case you encounter problems using Flutter as regular user, add your user into the group flutterusers:\n"
printf "gpasswd -a \${USER} flutterusers\n"
printf "\n"
printf "Re-login your terminal in to the group flutterusers:\n"
printf "newgrp flutterusers\n"
printf "\n"
printf "Run the following command to see if there are any dependencies you need to install to complete the setup (for verbose output, add the -v flag):\n"
printf "flutter doctor\n"