
ferdium-bin 7.0.0-1

Messaging app for WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Gmail, Google Chat, and many more.

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pkgbase = ferdium-bin
	pkgdesc = Messaging app for WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Gmail, Google Chat, and many more.
	pkgver = 7.0.0
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = amd64
	arch = arm64
	arch = armv7l
	license = Apache-2.0
	provides = ferdium
	conflicts = ferdium
	conflicts = ferdium-deb
	noextract = ferdium-bin_7.0.0-1_amd64.deb
	source_amd64 = ferdium-bin_7.0.0-1_amd64.deb::
	sha512sums_amd64 = d2de7bc852d8e5c12f2935525cafc6f8fd2f15cf030028a3c434111cb71329669b0e654ec122ab2d17128c5a801c45695e05dc74f28b909d2cdc3f790fa6b366
	source_arm64 = ferdium-bin_7.0.0-1_arm64.deb::
	sha512sums_arm64 = 5e796b089d4817ad1d0cf27930ade897981293bcdeb003c1b7e225c663668383acb7a6993ac3a7d60c9da6a1cb0f007264698924c5d75d976a836c75cd240a73

pkgname = ferdium-bin