A Flutter based Cwtch UI
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pkgbase = cwtch-ui-bin
pkgdesc = A Flutter based Cwtch UI
pkgver = 1.15.5
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = amd64
license = MIT
depends = libevent
depends = tor
depends = tor-geoipdb
depends = torsocks
provides = cwtch-ui
conflicts = cwtch-ui
conflicts = cwtch-ui-deb
noextract = cwtch-ui-bin_1.15.5-1_amd64.deb
source = cwtch-ui-bin_1.15.5-1_amd64.deb::
b2sums = 5115b849cc281568103baffb0f7da34ca18f63936224722aa0692d1c23228db061990b5c780ccd394338cb44ebba1744dc10b0b4806d1dafffc03821470c3042
pkgname = cwtch-ui-bin