
cryptomator-bin 1.5.15-2

Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.

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pkgbase = cryptomator-bin
	pkgdesc = Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.
	pkgver = 1.5.15
	pkgrel = 2
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = GPL3
	depends = fuse
	conflicts = cryptomator
	replaces = cryptomator
	options = !strip
	source = cryptomator-1.5.15-2-x86_64.AppImage::
	source = cryptomator-1.5.15-2-x86_64.AppImage.asc::
	source = org.cryptomator.Cryptomator.desktop
	source = org.cryptomator.Cryptomator.png
	source = org.cryptomator.Cryptomator.svg
	source = cryptomator-vault.xml
	validpgpkeys = 58117AFA1F85B3EEC154677D615D449FE6E6A235
	sha256sums = cdaa5221fc166fed76fe4a894939d335559e8840d8c354e3e1c8fd2135dfccd5
	sha256sums = SKIP
	sha256sums = 53c509fe54ef1c5c28b469d86291536649367fb2030b2c0fb3101da2031f8e6e
	sha256sums = d299636d78d093117fa7a26563f22e01cdb75b1fcc6cc279bc88627574c968bd
	sha256sums = 0989ecc24ecd672c5c525ab6f1f0fb18a9eeca86ebec19738f512801c152f756
	sha256sums = 78537ead26dcc1488d7fff02f47fce559f70f9bb2d7fa7fa1741ad3cd151bfad

pkgname = cryptomator-bin