
btop-bin 1.2.6-1

A monitor of system resourecs, bpytop ported to C++

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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg

pkgbase = btop-bin
	pkgdesc = A monitor of system resourecs, bpytop ported to C++
	pkgver = 1.2.5
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	arch = aarch64
	license = Apache
	provides = btop
	conflicts = btop
	source_x86_64 = btop-1.2.5-x86_64.tbz::
	sha256sums_x86_64 = cd36810e46eed3581cdb286d220ad0c560d5ef5d6aa663899672626653a06600
	source_aarch64 = btop-1.2.5-aarch64.tbz::
	sha256sums_aarch64 = e21477b5da2dc2929dfa4ea4786922dbd00a3bc07941ac611361aaf018079af4

pkgname = btop-bin