
bsptab-git 1e997b892022.02.17-2

Suckless tabbed integration into bspwm

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generated-by = makedeb
pkgname = bsptab-git
pkgbase = bsptab-git
pkgdesc = Suckless tabbed integration into bspwm
pkgrel = 2
pkgver = 1e997b892022.02.17
url =
arch = any
conflicts = bsptab
depends = tabbed
depends = bash
depends = awk
depends = xdotool
license = MIT
makedepends = git
optdepends = bspwm
provides = bsptab
source = bsptab::git+
md5sums = SKIP
makedepends = git
optdepends = bspwm