Oranchelo is a flat-design icon theme for XFCE4 based on Super Flat Remix and inspired by Corny icons by Patryk Goworowski.
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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
pkgbase = oranchelo-icon-theme
pkgdesc = Oranchelo is a flat-design icon theme for XFCE4 based on Super Flat Remix and inspired by Corny icons by Patryk Goworowski.
pkgver = 0.9.0
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = any
license = GPL3
makedepends = git
depends = git
depends = hicolor-icon-theme
provides = oranchelo-icon-theme
conflicts = oranchelo-icon-theme
options = !strip
source =
sha512sums = b39da3b9d6b394d11932fa842224f21905a23dd14ebcf876eca6eab4af836bbb792a599b9251219337f5864f3d0c163dc28e03ac1ef03520c22db298c33d365d
pkgname = oranchelo-icon-theme