OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator
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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
pkgbase = glslang
pkgdesc = OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator
pkgver = 11.6.0
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = x86_64
license = BSD
makedepends = cmake
makedepends = ninja-build
makedepends = git
depends = python3
conflicts = glslang
options = staticlibs
source = glslang-11.6.0.tar.gz::
source = git+
source = git+
sha256sums = 99ecd3a0c2c2219293d76723846f762a9f3e7dd0dc2a4f346d0fc3a05a0ce000
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = glslang